Last updated: 5 February 2025
The majority of telecommunication products require a certification and homologation with Anatel to be allowed to be commercialized and used in Brazil. Here you will find information about product homologation with Anatel and what are the procedures required.
Overview of ANATEL
Since its creation in 1997, ANATEL has played an important role in the telecommunications sector in Brazil, publishing regulations and directives in order to help shape these services’ expansion in the country.
Telecommunication Taxes in Brazil
Brazil holds one of the most burdening taxation policies for telecommunications in the world, a factor that hampers the expansion of these services in the country.
Overview of Telebras
In this article we’ll cover the history and current activities of Telebras, the former telecommunications monopoly of Brazil and the company responsible for expanding the country’s optical fiber network and offering accessible, quality internet to the Brazilian population.
Mobile Network
Brazil is among the largest markets in terms of mobile subscribers in the world, served by four main operators. In this section you will find more details about the operation and services available on the Brazilian mobile market.
Brazil is served by a large number of satellites operated by both Brazilian and foreign communication companies. Here you will have an overview of the companies and services available.
Telemarketing activities in Brazil are regulated by a few rules and follow a set of practices. In this section you will find information on services available and a few tools used to optimize the operation of the services.
With over 95% of the population connected to the internet using mobile connection, we presume that Brazil is also a large market for devices. Find more about the usage and distribution of these devices.