Anatel Homologation of Electronic Toys
Last updated: 17 February 2017
To remain relevant in the market and compete with other consumer products, toy manufacturers are increasingly adding electronics parts to their products to become more appealing to children.
However it is important to be aware that Brazilian authorities demand that toys are tested and approved according to local standards before they reach consumers.
Types of Certificates for Toys in Brazil
The basic certification required to commercialise any type of toy in Brazil, electronic or not, is the Inmetro certification. This type of certification ensures that the toy follows the Brazilian standards regarding safety for consumers and minimise the risk of incidents caused by the product.
In case the product falls into a category that requires Anatel homologation, the toy will also be required to be homologated by Anatel before being legally commercialised in Brazil. Companies like Master Certificações will be able to provide information on whether the toy needs homologation and conduct the entire process of certification.
Products arriving to Brazil without the proper Anatel certifications, will be stopped and seized by Brazilian customs, and the parties involved in the importing process may be subject to fines and other punitive measures.
What Toys Require Anatel Homologation
All toys or equipment that make use of radio frequency or other wireless communication technologies, except infrared, are subject to Anatel homologation. This requirement applies to toys that are produced locally or imported to Brazil, even if produced on a small scale or are artisanal.
Therefore, products that could potentially affect telecommunication services in Brazil such as toys using radio frequency, even if not necessarily performing any telecommunications, are categorised as Restricted Radiation Equipment according to Anatel’s guidelines. These guidelines include a limit for the power of the transmission signal that depends on the frequency.
Video game consoles and other wearables, such as wristbands or smartwatches, that use any wireless communication technology such as Wi-Fi or Bluetooth are considered to be telecommunication devices and therefore must be homologated by Anatel. For more information regarding homologation of Bluetooth devices check the article “Homologation of Bluetooth Equipment in Brazil”.
Homologation Process of Toys at Anatel
Any homologation process is started either by the manufacturer or importer of the product in Brazil. In some specific cases it can also be started by private individuals if the equipment is intended for private use, which is a process often used when importing drones to Brazil. However it is important to note that drones are not categorised as toys, but as aircrafts, according to the Brazilian Revenue Service.
The first step to obtain the homologation of a toy is to select an OCD, which are the third party institutions appointed by Anatel to evaluate products, indicate the testing procedures required for the specific category of the product, and finally issues a certification based on tests conducted by a laboratory accredited by Inmetro. Master Certificações is an OCD that handles hundreds of homologations every year and will be able to carry out the full homologation process.
Based on the technical specifications of the product, the OCD will recommend to the applicant one or more laboratories that will be able to conduct the tests required by Anatel in order to certify the product. According to Brazilian regulations, all laboratory tests must occur in Brazilian territory, regardless of the results presented from laboratories abroad. Therefore the OCD will also indicate the number of samples necessary to perform the tests, as well as any additional documentation necessary in order to finalise the homologation process.
Family of products with the same characteristics can be homologated in a single process at Anatel, but it is important that these are listed in the homologation, including internal and external photos of the products.
One of the most important tests conducted in toys under the testing procedures for the category of Restricted Radiation Equipment include the measurement of the strength of the signal generated by its transmitters. Similar to other types of equipment, these transmitters are not allowed to interfere with existing telecommunication systems or emit signals in frequencies not listed in their specifications.
Based on the laboratory reports, the OCDs will issue a Certificate of Conformity for the evaluated equipment and will request the product to be registered on Anatel’s databases.
After these steps, product suppliers are required to include a finalised version of the Anatel identification seal and the Anatel identification code to be stuck on each product intended for commercialisation.
Homologation Renewal
Most equipment must have their homologation renewed after a period of two years. The renewal process is also conducted by the OCD, which will determine which documents and laboratory tests are necessary for the renewal process.
Obtaining an Anatel Homologation in Brazil
Brazilian company Master Certificações is an OCD accredited by Anatel to conduct the certification procedure for any equipment that requires Anatel homologation, and handles the entirety of the process from requisition of documents to the emission of Certificates of Conformity for telecommunication products.
Master Certificações is specialised in assisting foreign product suppliers interested in introducing their products to the Brazilian market under full compliance to the country’s regulations. Aside from toys, Master is entitled to certify over a hundred types of telecommunication products, including mobile phones and their components, broadband connection equipment, restricted radiation equipment and radio transmitters.