Targeting Parents-to-be in Brazil

Many market segments can benefit from the large number of parents-to-be in Brazil. In this article we will look at the profile of parents in the country, what the most consumed products are and what are the most popular media outlets for this group.

Profile of Parents-to-be in Brazil

According to recent studies, parents in Brazil are having their first child later in life and having less children than what was common decades ago. This is mostly due to factors such as the focus on their careers and the need for financial security prior to having their first child.

Statistics from 2012 by the Brazilian Ministry of Health found that of all children born that year, over 30% had mothers aged 30 years or older, a rate that was found to be 22% in 2000. Birth rates have also declined from 2.2 children per woman in the year 2000 to 1.7 children in 2012.

Although these trends are noticeable throughout the country, data from this study shows that each Brazilian region presents different rates for the average age of mothers and number of children. For example, the rate of mothers over the age of 30 for each Brazilian region are as follows:

  • North Region: 21.2%
  • Northeast Region: 26.1%
  • Southeast Region: 34.6%
  • South Region: 33.6%
  • Center-West Region: 28.8%

The study also presents a correlating factor between the age and education levels of Brazilian mothers and at what age they’re most likely to have children. Over 55% of women with more than 12 years of education have children after the age of 30. Meanwhile, 50% of women with 8 to 11 years of education have children before the age of 25.

These statistics, combined with data such as the average income of households per region and years of education, present relevant information for the targeting of parents-to-be in the country. For one, mothers in the wealthy Southeastern and South regions are most likely to have children after the age of 30. Not only that, this is also the age segment where highly educated, and therefore more financially secure women are most likely to plan pregnancy.

Types of Products most searched for by parents-to-be in Brazil

Some market studies suggest that parents-to-be are more likely to make purchasing decisions such as buying a new car or even renovating their houses to better accommodate their forthcoming children. Although there are currently no statistics for similar behaviour by parents-to-be in Brazil, these consumers, as in other global territories, are ready to buy a multitude of products and services prior to the birth of their children, some of which include:

  • Furniture such as wardrobes, cribs
  • Decorative items such as crib mobiles and plush toys
  • Clothing for mothers and children
  • Baby seats and strollers
  • Hygiene items such as diapers and wet wipes
  • Health Insurance Plans

The total expenditure of parents to be during pregnancy or the prior months prior can vary wildly depending on the family’s economic conditions. Some market research suggests that on average Brazilians spend between BRL 2,000 and BRL 10,000 during this period. As an increasing number of the country’s consumers make their first online purchase and compare products on the internet each year, the parents-to-be market in Brazil presents sizable opportunities for both physical and online sellers of these products.

Most Popular Media Outlets for Parents-to-be

A number of popular media outlets in Brazil have focused on the production of content for parents of newborns and pregnant women, some of which include:

  • Portal managed by Brazilian media giant Grupo Abril, with focus on content for pregnant women and recent parents. According to their statistics, over half of their readers are women aged 25-34 and from the upper social classes
  • Guia do Bebê: Website affiliated with portal UOL, with content focused on pregnancy and first months of motherhood
  • Guia Infantil: Latin American portal with focus on content for pregnant women and parents of young children, with over 8.5 million unique viewers combined across all territories
  • Baby Center: Brazilian affiliate page from international portal with a highly active forum
  • Grávidas Online: Brazilian blog with a highly active page on social network Facebook

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